Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Signs of the times...?

Week 20:

Romans 1:28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

This week, I have been struck by the media and its portrayal of our society.  What has become “news” amazes me.  From those stories, are we seeing a true moral decay, or just a minority share of society’s take on the culture?

For this week’s thought, I am going to link to Tom Vermillion’s post about Bruce Jenner (Read it here).  After reading the article, reflect on the questions below:


1.      Tom believes that Bruce made a choice.  There are Christians who believe the opposite.  What do you believe?
2.      Do you agree or disagree that our culture believes that God’s standards are “restrictive”? 
3.      Many of us have people in our lives who are dealing with this or similar hot topic decisions.  How are you handling that now? 
4.      If you have not faced a controversy like this with someone you know yet, how do you suppose you will handle the situation?
5.      What do we, as a group of Christians, need to do? 
6.      Where do we stand up and where to do we reach out?
7.      I agree with Tom, God must be brought into the discussion.  How do we do that?  How would you do that?
8.      Would you be willing to commit to praying for this situation as well as many like it in our country?

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